Recreates the model of a business process in a very creative and energizing way.
The participants are divided into teams. The teams must work together and by using their imagination, to plan strategically and communicate effectively to develop and make a new brand of fragrance.
The team goes through the whole process by:
- creating of the product;
- making of the unique packaging design;
- pricing;
- advertising and marketing.
The format demonstrates the creative power of the teamwork. Highlights the strengths of every individual team member and their integration to achieve the common goal.
Allows participants have to choose roles that reveal their natural talents, creativity, practicality, analytical thinking or acting ability.
Materials provided:
- high-quality essential oils;
- supporting materials;
- materials for the fabrication and design of the packaging;
- supplies and tools;
- each participant works with an individual Mini Lab.
Led by qualified specialists.
Time required: 4-5 hours.
Number of participants: 10 to 40 people